Fencing Supplies
With over 10 years experience working in the Agricultural & Forestry Fencing industry, we have worked day in day out with fencing materials and have only selected what we believe to be the best timber and wire products on the market to sell. We work closely and have a good relationship with all our suppliers and in return, we get a great service.
We can offer a large range of timber products from James Jones & Sons, Scotlands leading supplier of timber products:-
- Strainers & Turners
- Stock Posts
- Deer Posts
- Rails
- Wooden Gates
- Domestic Fence Panels
All our wire products come from Tornado Wire, Tornado is one of UK's leading suppliers of agricultural fencing, specialising in agricultural, equestrian, forestry and infrastructure supplies. The types of fencing which we can supply from Tornado includes:-
- Agricultural Fencing
- Deer Fencing
- Rabbit Fencing
- Forestry Fencing
- Horse Fencing
- Poultry Fencing
If you would like a quote for fencing material or if you want to discuss our range of products then call us on 07752663424 or email lewis@knoxfield.co.uk